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Robot all position welding workstation

Robot all position welding workstation

  • Classification:Intelligent welding equipment
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-11-16 11:30:25
  • Summary
  • Characteristic
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Robot all position welding workstation itself includes control system, driver, executive components such as motor, mechanical mechanism welding machine system. It can be used in automatic production line, as a part of welding process, become a "station" with welding function. Since it is a workstation, it will certainly be a part of the production line. Although this part depends on the control of the production line system, because it is the need of the process coordination of the production line, it is a relatively separate control system, because the operation action of the robot is completed by the control system of the welding robot itself. The main control system the workstation complete the coordination of the production line through signal data exchange.


Last:Robot mobile slide2020-11-16