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Wuxi Huahan Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd

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Robot mobile slide

Robot mobile slide

  • Classification:Intelligent welding equipment
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-11-16 11:28:37
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Robot mobile slide

ln construction machinery,construction steel structure, railway vehicles, shipbuilding,bridges, coal machinery otherindustries there are a large number of structural parts need for welding.For manual welding, the labor intensity is very lar-ge, in addition there are fewer fewer workers in welding industry, use robot to replace manual work is imperative, butwelding structural parts have problems as generally very large size, irregular weld location,various types,poor accuracyof the workpiece assemble.The robot alone cannot complete the operation, it need other auxiliary means to assist the ro-bot in better operations. Due to different structural parts, fxture, positioner,contact sensor, electric arc tracking, laservisual tracking are required to meet production requirements. In addition, some structural components are beyond the ro-bot's working range , so robot must be mounted on the slides,L rack, cantilever rack moving gantry.Based on years ofwork experience,choosing us will give you the best solution.

