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CNC end milling machine

CNC end milling machine

  • Classification:Steel structure milling equipment
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-11-14 15:47:39
  • Summary
  • Characteristic
  • Parameter

DMX series end face milling machine

DMX series end face milling machine is mainly used for machining box beam column, H beam steel cylinder body endface milling.This end face milling machine is equipped with a special milling head, horizontally moving bed lifting col-umn, the milling power head is driven in the X Y direction by frequency converter for speed adjust, control by PLC, mil-ling power heads can automatically carry outZ- milling, then attend automatic control of the machining process, aftersupport by different worktables it can finish H beam steel, box beam column tube end face milling.It is widely used inthe construction steel structure,electricity,petrochemicals, bridges,power plants, boilers other industries.

Mian Technical Parameters
